
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

I love to cook, bake, craft and host parties, so after many years of following blogs about all of these things, I decided to dive into the blog world myself and post about my adventures in all of these areas – and I am having an absolute blast doing so!

I am also a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member, so I use this blog to keep myself on track and hopefully inspire others who are on a weight loss journey like myself. That said, all of my recipes may not be WW-friendly, but I do try my best to find an even mix between sinful and guilt-free 🙂

So, here’s a little bit more about me:

  1. I am Canadian, born and raised in Toronto.
  2. I am from a big, Scottish family. I have 2 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 nieces and 2 nephews. I also have a couple of nephdogs.
  3. I married my high school sweetheart of 14 years last April in Mexico, surrounded by our amazing family and friends. It was the most perfect day ever and I would love to do it over and over and over again!
  4. I have been a Weight Watchers Member since January 2011, but didn’t really buckle down and commit until January 2013. Since then, I have lost a total of 34lbs and have been a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member (without paying once!) since August 2013.
  5. I didn’t really develop a love for cooking or baking until the last few years, when I flew the coop and bought a house with my hubby. In fact, I once called my Mom to ask how long I needed to boil an egg for to make egg salad. I thought it took an hour at least. I have obviously grown my skills in the kitchen over the years, much to my family’s surprise 🙂
  6. I love animals, especially dogs. I would have many of them if my lifestyle allowed it. Unfortunately it’s a bit too crazy to have even one right now.
  7. I love to celebrate and make memories! That means lots of parties and get-togethers with my wonderful friends and family … which means lots of blog posts!
  8. I have a passion for travel. It began with my first plane ride at 17 years old, but even before then, I wanted to see the world. I have been to Scotland, England, France, Greece, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Bermuda, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Puerto Rico, Las Vegas, New York City, Disney World, Miami, Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise, Montreal, and St. John’s. And my next big trip is to Thailand for our honeymoon!

 That’s me in a nutshell. Anything else you’d like to know? Just ask!

~ Jackie

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi blog friend – I nominated you, along with 4 other bloggers for a Liebster Award. It’s kind of silly, but it does encourage others to check out your blog. If you’re interested in participating, go to my blog post (which mentions your blog) entitled “Liebster Award” to check it out. Thanks and I enjoy reading your blog and checking out your recipes. Thanks for reading mine too!

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